platinum ore grade
The ore grade is 10 g/t in situ, and 55 g/t mined The first smelting was carried out in August 1992, with first production in 1993 Northam uses a very conventional smelting process Merensky concentrate (together with up to 10 per cent UG2 concentrate) is dried in a flash drier, and the dry feed is pneumatically fed to the furnacePrimary deposits of platinum ores are platiniferous complex sulfide and platinum chromite ores in a variety of forms with massive and disseminated structure These ore bodies are closely related genetically and spatially to intrusions of basic and ultrabasic rocks and are predominantly magmatic in origin Primary deposits of platinum ores are encountered in platform and folded regions and arePlatinum Ores | Article about Platinum Ores by The Free
million (ppm) platinum Today, the average grade of PGE in ores mined primarily for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm Over 100 minerals contain PGE as an essential component In most rocks, platinumgroup minerals are very small, ranging in size from less than a micron to a few hundred microns in diameter Geologists can spend a lifetime working on rocks enriched in PGE andPlatinum: Pt: less than 1 g/t: 1 g/t – 25 g/t: over 25 g/t: Silver: Ag: less than 10 g/t : 10 g/t – 50 g/t: over 50 g/t: Of course it is not only the grade that count since there are a lot of profitable mining operations around the world which are developing low to medium grade ore Therefore it is better to use grammeters instead of only looking at the grade when comparing the drillLow Grade, Medium Grade and High Grade Mineralization
14/08/2019· My new Platinum claim is showing promise after my first trip to the claim I have already found the main pit, and some other showings Some of the initialThe ore grade is 10 g/t in situ, and 55 g/t mined The first smelting was carried out in August 1992, with first production in 1993 Northam uses a very conventional smelting process Merensky concentrate (together with up to 10 per cent UG2 concentrate) is dried in a flash drier, and the dry feed is pneumatically fed to the furnacePlatinum is produced in South Africa by Amplats, Impala
Platinum: Pt: less than 1 g/t: 1 g/t – 25 g/t: over 25 g/t: Silver: Ag: less than 10 g/t : 10 g/t – 50 g/t: over 50 g/t: Of course it is not only the grade that count since there are a lot of profitable mining operations around the world which are developing low to medium grade ore Therefore it is better to use grammeters instead of only looking at the grade when comparing the drillPrimary production at Impala Platinum mine in South Africa IMAGE CREDIT: Mining Operations, Implats For example, in South Africa, PGMbearing ores generally have a low PGM content of between 2 and 6 grams per tonne and it will typically take up to six months and between 10 and 40 tonnes of ore to produce one ounce (311035g) of platinum2THE PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF PLATINUM GROUP METALS
However, these deposits have been stripped of their highestgrade ore and now account for less than one percent of the platinum production from Russia Alluvial platinum deposit in the far eastern Koryak region of Russia Over the past ten years, significant quantities of platinum have been produced from two alluvial deposits in the far eastern region of Russia: the Kondyor mine in Khabarovsk14/04/2016· The average grade of platinumgroup elements (PGEs) in ores mined for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm In most rocks, platinumgroup minerals range in size from less than a micron to a few hundred microns in diameter, so the presence of PGEs must be confirmed by laboratory analysis Over 100 minerals contain PGEs as an essential component PGM extraction andA New Way to Find Platinum Group Metals US
The pgms are very rare elements and most pgmbearing ores are extremely lowgrade, with mined ore grades ranging from 2 to 6 g per tonne Mining the pgms is a capital, energy and labour intensive process; extraction, concentration and refining of the metals require quite complex processes that may take up to six months Most of the largest primary producers of pgms are located in South AfricaPlatinum also is found in the placer deposits of Trinity Co, California Another US locality is Cape Blanco, Curry Co, Oregon The only active Platinum mine in Canada is the Lac des Iles Mine, near Thunder Bay, Ontario, which is mined primarily for palladium In British Columbia, small nuggets come from the Tulameen and Similkameen Rivers and their tributaries near Princeton COMMONPlatinum: The mineral native Platinum information and pictures
Platinum is an excellent catalyst, can be used at high temperatures, and is stable in many aggressive chemical environments Consequently, platinum is used in many current industrial applications, notably automotive catalytic converters, and prospective vehicle fuel cells are expected to rely upon i Platinum availability for future automotive technologies Environ Sci Technol 2012 Dec 4;46A highgrade ore deposit may be uneconomical to mine if the reserves are low, because startup costs could consume all profits A large highgrade deposit may be uneconomical to mine if it is in a remote area Even large, developed deposits can become uneconomical if the market price falls, perhaps due to the discovery of a better deposit somewhere else 910 The Bingham Canyon Mine, with Salt9 Ore Deposits and Economic Minerals – Mineralogy
The highgrade mattes contain from 02 to 05 oz of platinum metals per ton The platinum occurs in the Sudbury coppernickel ore as sperrylite, embedded in chalcopyrite Platinumbearing nickeliferous pyrrhotites are known to occur14/04/2016· The average grade of platinumgroup elements (PGEs) in ores mined for their PGE concentrations range from 5 to 15 ppm In most rocks, platinumgroup minerals range in size from less than a micron to a few hundred microns in diameter,A New Way to Find Platinum Group Metals US
The pgms are very rare elements and most pgmbearing ores are extremely lowgrade, with mined ore grades ranging from 2 to 6 g per tonne Mining the pgms is a capital, energy and labour intensive process; extraction, concentration and refining of theExtracting platinum from its ore is both capital and labor intensive It can take up to 6 months and 7 to 12 tons of ore to produce 31135g of pure platinum STEPS INVOLVED : The first step in the production process is to break platinum containing ore and immerse it in indicator containing water, a process known as 'froth flotation' During flotation, air is pumped through the orewater mixplatinum mining, mining of platinum, platinum, platinum
certain lots of highgrade ore by the Pacific Platinum Works, of Los Angeles, whereby this firm agreed to pay $46 an ounce for the com bined platinum and palladium content, after deducting a treatment charge of $300 a ton Late in the year the mine was sold by the Boss Gold Mining Co to W C Price and associates for $150,000, according to 0 J Fisk, former manager of the company TheA highgrade ore deposit may be uneconomical to mine if the reserves are low, because startup costs could consume all profits A large highgrade deposit may be uneconomical to mine if it is in a remote area Even large, developed deposits can become uneconomical if the market price falls, perhaps due to the discovery of a better deposit somewhere else 910 The Bingham Canyon Mine, with Salt9 Ore Deposits and Economic Minerals – Mineralogy
18/10/2015· The Stillwater deposits are platinum poor and palladium rich with nearly 4 times as much palladium as platinum So although the overall grade of the ore is about 10 g per ton combined PGE’s which is similar to the Bushveld the value of the ore per ton is less than half that of the Bushveld because of the relatively lower price of palladium For this reason and the fact that the Stillwater26/10/2020· Most of the mined ore is processed at Anglo American Platinum’s 14 concentrators and later smelted at its three refineries in South Africa The South African platinum company’s precious metal refinery is constructed near two of the world’s largest platinum mines The refinery processes other PGMs such as ruthenium, palladium, rhodium, iridium and osmium from the ore Copper, nickel andThe top five platinummining companies in the world
The term gold grade is commonly confused with gold purity, with the two meaning something quite different Gold grade is a term used in gold mining, and should be used as a measure of the quality of gold ore – that is the raw material obtained from mining Gold purity measures the amount of natural gold mixed with other metals in finished gold products or, more strictly, gold alloy productsHighgrade Eorlingas Skarn Emerald Shard Emerald Byproducts in red are the very rare ones (most wanted and therefore valuable!) While mining ore deposits, there is a chance that you will find also a byproduct, like some base materials for making dyes or precious stones like agates, opals and sapphires The best chance to find such byproducts will give you the rich ore deposits, or in theWonderful Places in LOTRO's Middle Earth: Ore in Lotro
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